After we passed Drexel, we went to College Hall of UPenn so we could to the informational session. The speaker was very thorough in explaining the different undergraduate schools of Penn (business, arts and sciences, nursing, and engineering). She explained the social life at Penn, and the application process. After we took a tour of the campus, and it was awesome. There were trees and grass everywhere, surrounding the old buildings.
Afterward, we met up with June Chu, the director of PAACH (Pan-Asian American Community House), where she introduced us to two students of Penn, Andrew (a rising senior) and Joanna (a rising junior). We walked to a restaurant for lunch, and asked them questions along the way. We sat down to eat our cheesesteaks (per Gabe's request) and they told us all about life at Penn. Andrew said that he was a biology major, and that he wanted to go to medical school at Penn, since it is one of the best in the country. Another student, Carlin joined us for lunch to also tell us about his experience at Penn.
After lunch, they walked us to the bookstore. We said our goodbyes and thank yous, then purchased our souvenirs. Then, we took a subway to the historic part of Philadelphia.
It was nice to see history in real life, and not just in text books. Afterward, we took the subway back to the train station, enjoyed some ice cream, and went back to New York.
While waiting for the train, I starting contemplating if I wanted to apply to Penn. Andrew convinced me by saying that Penn has a lot of lab opportunities and that it really helped him during the MCAT. Then, I saw this,
Yes, these campus tours can be of value to a student that really wants to learn something about the school before deciding whether to apply. It sounds like your tour guides really added to the experience. We can thank the wonderful June Chu for her help in arranging to have them available for you. Ms. Chu has taken a special interest in our ILC students over the years and has been an invaluable help to us all.
Thank you, Cristina, for adding the photos to your blog. By now you have to know how much I appreciate a nice photo.
I went back and re-read your top five list. It looks like UPENN has bumped one off the list. I would be curious to find out which school no longer is in your "fab five".
Remember, these schools are highly selective and I would be proud to have you admitted to any of them, but I do want you to have some back up schools. UC San Diego looks like a school that is well "within reach". So, keep in mind that the UC schools are highly regarded, both UCLA and UC Berkeley make the top 100. I do however, want you to reach for the "stars" as you mentioned in an earlier post. UPENN, Columbia, and The University of Chicago are definitely in the upper reaches and I am excited that you have the confidence to apply.
Keep up the good work and I am sure that you will reach your goals. You are a great student and now that you are armed with valuable information it will take you very far. Please also let us know if you have enjoyed the trip and what you will remember most about the experience.
Take care.
Charles T. Ramsey, Esq.
School Board Member
West Contra Costa
Unified School District
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